
Rare ; Special ; Limited Edition Verious Collection----Personal-Collection

Nikon Professional Service Strap ----$666 (My most proud of collection)

If you see second piece in Singapore , Pls tell me! Until now I haven't seen!

Only the member in NPS will have this Strap !

For more information , you can go Google search NPS!

NPS is World top-class photograph Organization!

Contax sealed strap----$160(one only)
I haven't seen second piece in singapore

Nikon professional strap, bought from Japan----$100
Not for sell overseas from Japan! I have two piece only!

Nikon 90th Anniversary Strap----$30 only
Currently Can find in China & Japan Market!
When it cannot find in the market, the price sure increase!

Nikon D50 strap! old memory! ---- $30
Currently cannot find in the market!


